Fall 2014


Morgan Taylor on Broadway!

New York

Morgan Taylor on Broadway

Don't look now... but guess who hit the big time? Morgan Taylor has taken over New York City's Times Square with a new ad featured on the iconic Geoffrey Tron on Broadway. The Morgan Taylor team is thrilled to have this opportunity to grow brand awareness. The ad has already been spotted on Nick Lachey's new VH1 show Big Morning Buzz.

Solstice in Times Square

Solstice in Times Square

On June 21st, 2014, the first day of summer and the longest day of the year, yoga lovers flocked to Times Square for an all-day yoga event. Over 8,000 people came together to find peace and tranquility in one of the world's most chaotic environments. This year, Morgan Taylor was honored to be a sponsor for the Solstice in Times Square. Namesakes of the brand, Morgan and Taylor, flew to New York to participate in the event by spreading the word about Morgan Taylor Professional Nail Lacquer and giving out nail lacquer to participating yogis. The most exciting part of the day was looking up at the jumbo tron and seeing the yoga-themed Morgan Taylor ad for the event. The ad, pictured above, was created to celebrate peace and serenity on the first day of summer. Keep a look out for what Morgan Taylor will be doing next!