Sure, we'd love nothing more than to spend our summers as
foot-loose and fancy-free as we did as kids. Unfortunately, clients don't take off for summer break. Use this time instead to tick off all those things you've been meaning to accomplish, but have been putting off 'til later. Not sure where to begin? Use this list to get you started.Inspect your towels. Are your white towels starting to look a little gray? Are there holes and fraying around the edges? Time to take out the offending towels and replace them with fluffy new ones.

Clean out your back bar/storage closet. While the front-facing portion of your salon is obviously gorgeous, don't let anyone sneak into the back. No judgment! We all know how messy things can get when you're busy. Take this time to do a deep clean. Remove everything from the shelves and out of the corners and start cleaning! Then, go through all the “stuff” and decide what you can keep and what needs to be tossed.
Take inventory. Do you have 25 jars of unopened lotion in a scent you thought was going to sell, but bombed instead? Give them away. Running low on orangewood sticks? Make a note to grab a big pack, not just a few to get you by. Make a list of all the things you need to stock up on, and toss (or give away to a local nail school) the things that have been collecting dust.
Create a nail photo station. If you don't have one already, take the time to create a dedicated space to taking nail photos. Purchase a light that will capture the nails beautifully, as well as a backdrop for the hands (this would be a great place to put your salon's logo!). Search for inexpensive costume jewelry — rings and bracelets — that clients can wear to spruce up their photos.
Set up performance reviews. It's easy to get caught up in the bustle of busy salon life, and before you know it a year (or more) has gone by since the last time you sat down with your staff. Take this time to set up 30-minute reviews with each member of your staff. Let them know the things that they've been excelling at, as well as the things they need to improve upon. And open up the discussion for any of their thoughts or ideas. Great things can happen with open communication!