With so much emphasis being placed on gifts this time of year, it's important to also think of ways to give back. Here are some ideas for paying it forward during the holidays and into the New Year.

Set up or participate in a
food drive.
food drive.
Give a monetary donation
to your favorite cause or
donate in someone's
name as your gift to them.
to your favorite cause or
donate in someone's
name as your gift to them.

Volunteer for a cause
that's near and dear
to your heart.
that's near and dear
to your heart.
Be an Elf
Volunteer to answer letters
to Santa and even donate a
gift to kids in need.
Get more information at
Volunteer to answer letters
to Santa and even donate a
gift to kids in need.
Get more information at

Away the Layaway
Help pay off a layaway
balance for a family in
need through
Help pay off a layaway
balance for a family in
need through
Give a monetary donation
to your favorite cause or
donate in someone's
name as your gift to them.
to your favorite cause or
donate in someone's
name as your gift to them.

Help children all over the
world by filling a shoebox
with school supplies,
toys, or hygiene items
that are then distributed
by Samaritan's Purse.
world by filling a shoebox
with school supplies,
toys, or hygiene items
that are then distributed
by Samaritan's Purse.
Bring a lunch to someone
who didn't get the holiday
off. Think police officers,
first responders, nurses,
firefighters, and even some
retail workers.
who didn't get the holiday
off. Think police officers,
first responders, nurses,
firefighters, and even some
retail workers.

Run an errand for a
neighbor. You know how
busy this season can be
and that money can be
tight. Offer to pick up their
groceries, drive them to
an appointment, walk
their dog, or help them
put up their Christmas
lights so things be a little
less hectic for them.
neighbor. You know how
busy this season can be
and that money can be
tight. Offer to pick up their
groceries, drive them to
an appointment, walk
their dog, or help them
put up their Christmas
lights so things be a little
less hectic for them.
If you have plenty to eat
and a place at your table,
sometimes the nicest thing
you can do is invite
someone to join you. If you
know someone who has
nowhere else to go this
holiday season, let them
know they can sit with you
for a warm meal and company.
and a place at your table,
sometimes the nicest thing
you can do is invite
someone to join you. If you
know someone who has
nowhere else to go this
holiday season, let them
know they can sit with you
for a warm meal and company.