Nail artist Emily Nash (@nailsbyem) of Elkhart, Indiana,
has been doing nails for 10 years. As a successful nail
pro, she has worked on campaigns, shoots, and won
major nail competitions. Since she loves creating
vibrant nail art, a brush is her best friend and favorite
tool. She describes her preferred nail art style as hand
painted, with a particular love of creating “characters,
bright and funky designs” or “a pattern repeating on all
the nails.” With clients and companies clamoring for her
unique artwork, caring for her brushes is a priority.
Brush up on how to use and care for this top art tool
with tips from Emily.

Here are the top 3 brushes she can't live without that she suggests every artist have on hand.

product so you can go longer
before picking up more. It's
also easier for filling in larger
spaces and blending out
tiny details."
gel brush in my collection! It
has so many uses. Blending
out an ombré, blending out
shading, covering a large area
of color, cleaning up lines,
I could go on and on! Definitely a
must have!"

a tiny brush. Fine lines and
small details wouldn't be
possible without this brush in
your collection!"
number one tip for keeping my brushes perfect and making sure the bristles stay nice is,
cleaning out the old gel,” says Nash. Her secret? Base coat! “I know the simple wipe off with a
paper towel or dabbing your brush in acetone does the job, but that is not going to keep your
brush long lasting,” cautions Nash.
Properly cleaning out your nail art brushes, not only saves you money in the long run, but also
makes your job easier. “Have you ever tried to paint a straight line and had to go back and do
more work cleaning up bristle marks?” asks Nash. Here's how to avoid the added hassle:

Here's how: